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Archive for February 2015

Health benefits of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is perfected dusky hues, Learn some advantages
Health benefits of Fenugreek
The use of fenugreek vegetables, pickles, etc. are used.If the mix of fenugreek his Swaj slightly bitter vegetable is found in the conduct of this test increases fenugreek.Despite bitter fenugreek is very beneficial for your body.

Hair conditioner :- Fenugreek hair conditioner works.It Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight.Then grind them in the morning and find the mixture into the hair roots.If you want to put this mixture on the hair is packed plastic.After 30 minutes, wash hair thoroughly.Between domestic measures, such as yogurt and lemon to make hair shiny fenugreek is most effective.

Reduce Cholesterol :- Fenugreek seeds can help reduce cholesterol levels.The first fist eat fenugreek seeds daily.It Could you fenugreek seeds are put in the vegetable or other Disej.You can take it with water.

Make Beautiful your face :- If you do not have to worry if the color is black.Because fenugreek works of fairness Dark circles under the eyes, as well as to delete the .The fenugreek make a paste by grinding it with milk and apply on the face and dark circles.After 15 minutes, wash face. You will take a few days to clear the difference.

Control your Diabetes :- Several investigations have revealed that fenugreek is beneficial in type 2 diabetes.It lowers your blood sugar levels. 500 mg twice a day for diabetes patients are advised to take fenugreek.

Weight Lose :- If you are troubled by the growing weight of fenugreek can be beneficial for you. The fenugreek seeds overnight in water soaks the morning on an empty stomach to chew them. It makes you feel full stomach. This will help in reducing weight.

Fever :- Fenugreek is a good home remedy for relief of fever.With lemon and honey, take a teaspoon fenugreek reduces fever.It should take 3 times a day. Sore throat is too far from the fenugreek.

To fit Digestion :- Fenugreek is found plenty of vitamins A and C.It also contains calcium, iron, protein, carbohydrates is also,Problems which relieves stomach. Fenugreek is eating digestive system repair and get rid of the problem of gas.

Betel leaf prevent from cold and cough

Betel leaf prevent from cold and cough
Betel leaf prevent from cold and cough
Betel leaf protein, carbohydrates, tannins, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, and are rich in minerals such as potassium.Let us know about their benefits.

1. piece of turmeric powder in a leaf to eat Senkkr relieve colds and coughs.

2. sharp cough at night in the suit by adding celery and can use a piece of licorice.

3. When cold baby warm mustard oil on the leaves and put on his chest by,Will rest. Adult 2-3 leaf juice twice a day to make honey. But the half-teaspoon juice to children, will benefit.

Take precautions :-

Charak Samhita for Mukshuddhi cardamom, cloves and mace were told to eat betel leaves is put in.But TB, biliary disease, hemorrhage, or fainting on the problem of skin and eyes Do not use betel leaves.

Improves Brain Power with eliminating constipation beetroots

Improves Brain Power with eliminating constipation beetroots

You Diet beetroot (beet) is included? Maybe you do not like it, but you will learn about its properties will definitely include it in your diet.Blood sugar, physical weakness and beetroot very beneficial in diseases like anemia. What are the benefits of beetroot and diseases today we eat it is true, they are told.

Problems stomach from beetroot fiber ends. Eating right is the day to get the toxins out.

01-Brain Power Increase

According to a University of UK, 16 per cent of beetroot juice enhances physical capacity. Due to the nitrate in beetroot oxygen reaches the body. The brain works right.

02-pregnant women beneficial

Beetroot folic acid which is right for pregnant women and Anborn baby. Also beetroot get energy from the woman during pregnancy. The folic acid in beetroot is good for baby's spinal cord.

03-for Osteoporosis

Beetroot mineral silica which serves calcium. Calcium is necessary for the body element. Calcium from bone and teeth are strong. So a glass of beetroot juice drink, not a lack of calcium in the body.

04-diabetes beneficial

People who have diabetes have a problem, they have the urge to eat sweet. So, with the will to eat sweet beetroot relieves hunger. Bohdi of beetroot sugar level is correct. Additionally, beetroot and other vegetables are low calorie and fat-free shows.


People believe that beetroot red, so is perfect for blood increases and anemia. But behind this is the fact that much iron in beetroot, which is correct Himoglutinin. Himoglutinin oxygen and nutrition to meet the body works. Iron deficiency anemia is anyway, so in this disease are advised to eat beetroot.

06-Upon exhaustion

According to a study, beetroot helps to increase energy. Being nitrate oxygen to the body in the body is the right way, which increases the body's energy level. Also, due to the substantial amount of iron in beetroot increasing physical ability.

07-cancer beneficial to avoid

Bitasaynin in beetroot is also able to fight the cancer. Those who have tumors and breast cancer, they are advised to eat beetroot. Eating beetroot helps in cancer treatment.


Nitrate in beetroot, which reduces gas in the tummy. We know it by the name of nitric oxide. Heldi and stay fit at least 500 grams of diet that includes beetroot.

09-Dirty reduce cholesterol

Dissolved in beetroot fiber, Flyleaves and is Bitasaynin. This is because of Bitasaynin beetroot red. This is an anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidant is due to lower LDL cholesterol, which protects against heart diseases and stroke.

Top Benifit of Cucumber juice

Top Benifit of Cucumber juice

The cucumber salad used as a major part of Indian cuisine.Cucumber is grown in most states of India.Staivs Kukumis is the botanical name of cucumber.It is believed that cucumber is easily digestible and also increases the digestibility.In many herbal formulations employ tribal cucumber. Let us now know about cucumber involving traditional herbal formulations.

Benefit of cucumbers

1 . Cucumber juice over the head massage is the problem of dandruff.Patalkot in small amounts in the tribal cucumber juice mixed with tomato juice and apply on the hair. He believes that doing so will soon be over Russian.

2 . In cucumber protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins and other minerals are found in abundance. Every morning to eat at least two raw cucumber gives the body enough energy and freshness throughout the day continues.

3 . To increase the brightness of the face clean and cucumber juice (2 tablespoons) with a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric powder, paste together to make good on the face and neck, making him a face wash after 20 minutes bloom arises.

4 . Cucumber juice drink per day face acne, nail, stains and spots have gradually disappeared. Drinking cucumber juice every morning on an empty stomach increases the beauty of the face.

5 . Tribal believe that cucumbers premature graying and loss of hair from the juice drink at frequent stops. Cucumber juice on the hair before applying the bath to keep hair healthy. Cucumber juice strengthens hair roots and use it stops hair loss.

6 . According to Dong-gu tribal cucumber, spinach and carrot juice ready to drink the same amount of hair grow faster.

7 . The hangover the next day after drinking alcohol because people often complain of headaches. If slept at night before bed eating cucumber is not the problem, because the vitamin B in cucumbers, sugar and electrolytes occur, they tend to reduce the hangover.

8 . Daily cucumber juice (1 glass) to drink in the morning on an empty stomach or Hypertension to reduce high blood pressure, it is helpful to an extent.

9 . Fever, fatigue of the long journey back to overcome weakness or cucumber juice is considered very beneficial.

Know 8 Health benefits of Gooseberry (Amla)

Health benefits of Gooseberry (Amla)

You Amla often jam, pickles, jam, etc. eaten.Sour-sweet berry that everyone loves.Test with the great abundance of vitamin C is also very beneficial for health is the Amla.

1 . Eye Spotlight (आंखों की रोशनी)

If you sit or sleep less than consistent system has been weakened due to the light of your eyes -So Amla juice drink. This not only improves vision, but Rednas eyes, itching and frequent watering, also relieves the problem.The two tablespoon of amla juice mixed in a cup of water to drink every morning.

2 . Fight against damage from smoking (स्मोकिंग से होने वाले नुकसान से लड़े)

Reserch in Amla the impact on the lungs than smoking fights.Get the content of the antioxidant that prevents damage to the lungs than cigarettes.But that does not mean all of amla juice drink allowing you to smoke.Smoking is dangerous for your body, so it is reasonable to leave.

3 . If the  Sore (मुंह के छाले)

If you seem to be bothered by periodically ulcers.And once the blisters are returned after the issue of the berry juice and you can.Add ½ cup water ½ cup of amla juice and then gargle the mixture in the day. It will be fine mouth sores.

4 . Colds and sore cough (जुकाम और गले में खराश)

Common cough-cold in the winter, but Amla you can avoid the hassle.Mix 2 tablespoons honey 3 tsp turmeric powder to it and take 3-4 times in a day. The first day you'll feel the difference.

5 . Constipation (कब्ज)

Amla Prucr amount of fiber is found. If constipation is a problem if you eat raw amla. Be careful if you have instead of raw Amla Amla juice or powder so they do not impact so fast.

6 . Relife of Stress and Wakefulness (तनाव और अनिद्रा से राहत)

If you can not sleep well at night because of stress So do not worry. Amla gets freedom from stress and stress-free by eating when you sleep comfortably. It would solve the problem of insomnia.

7 . Use of Hair (बालों के लिए)

Amla is used in hair Prodekts lot. It keeps the hair roots strong and black.The warm water 2 teaspoons turmeric, yogurt and 1 tablespoon honey 2 teaspoons make a paste and find the roots of the hair. After 30 minutes wash the hair with warm water.

8 . Anti-Aging (एंटी एजिंग)

Amla reduces your age. This is the face of wrinkles and skin young. The 1 teaspoon tamarind paste mixed with 1 teaspoon turmeric powder mixture to prepare. Then put it on the face scrub. After 10 minutes, wash the face with warm water.

9 . Diabetes (डायबिटीज)

Diabetes- 2-3 tsp turmeric powder mixed in a glass of water or juice to drink everyday. It lowers blood glucose levels and prevents dangerous disease like diabetes.

Ayurvedic treatment for Joint pain and Sinus

Ayurvedic treatment for Joint pain and Sinus

There are several ways in which the incurable diseases such as Ayurveda, diabetes, epilepsy, sinus and asthma etc.


Then overnight in a glass of water to boil for 15 common cards and leave them like that.In the morning on an empty stomach drink this water filter.Moreover day taking a small sip juice of bitter gourd.5-7 fresh neem leaves early evening eat chewing.Diabetes is also prop daily garlic.


Asthma patients should drink a glass of honey in warm water.Ginger juice with honey is taking advantage.Take a teaspoon of triphala powder relieves with lemonade.Some powders are useful in this disease, such as Ayurveda Muktadi powder, Styadi powder, Sitopladi powder and powder etc. Talishadi. Patient with dust, smoke and should avoid allergen particles.

Joint pain

Drink enough water through the excess uric acid urine passes out of the body.Benefits of aloe vera juice daily morning.250 grams of mustard oil mixed pound champacol fill in a vial. After placing it in the sun for a few days at the site of pain massage oil.


Dust, smoke and avoid allergies, avoid smoking, daily morning and evening with warm water Lakshmi Vilas juice (Nardi), the two tablets at night before going to sleep, eat and Sdbindu oil than putting two drops in the nose would benefit.Basil, black pepper and salt to relieve sinus taking tea.
Lkshnanusar memory of the doctor's advice on the problem of epilepsy Sea juice, Saraswat powder, Mahapashacik melted butter, Ashwgandharisht Eat.

Eat apples as medicine and disease Kick

Eat apples as medicine and disease KICK
Eat apples as medicine and disease KICK
Fruits of nature are a unique offering .Fruit is an important place in our lives.This will help to enhance our capabilities.Apple is a fruit of the same fruit.Has loads of apples.There is a saying in English that when you eat an apple a day does not need to call the doctor.

Apple vitamins A, B and C are abundant.Apple is powerful of power.It heart, brain, liver and stomach emphasizes.After sick people and disease doctor to recommend Eating more of apples.

Because the person does not eat an apple a day apple juice constipation is faster digestion.

Apple eating crummy piece of food stuck in the teeth are Pass. The teeth are strong.Apple is also extremely beneficial in arthritis .Fever, appendicitis, headache, weakness, physical and mental, for patients with respiratory disease is a perfect fruit. Apple Nimr type is used as medicine.

A few days before the dinner cerebrasthenia chew-chew eat apples.

Come on more vomiting apple juice mixed with a little salt Feed patient. It stops vomiting.

Bedtime routine eat an apple 10-15 days in succession. Will eliminate intestinal worms. Keep in mind that not drink water after eating apples.

Apple took an empty stomach in the morning, eat a little salt. Such routine use until a few days to get rid of chronic headaches.

Fever is a good time to eat apples.

If you are bothered by being less hungry raw-sour apple juice mixed with sugar in it out drinking one or two cups in the morning hungry for 7-8 days seems to be well.

When dry cough drink apple juice mixed with a little sugar.Apple juice is beneficial in bleeding piles. The juice in the blood stops to put on warts and moles are slowly crumbling.

Healthy Properties of Guava

Healthy Properties of Guava
Healthy Properties of Guava
Guava often found in every season fruit. The iron content in seeds, as well as the protein, mineral salts, carbohydrates, calcium and phosphorus is found in abundance.Vitamin C is also a good source. One hundred grams of the nearly three hundred milligrams of vitamin C is found.Guava nectar to learn how you can become healthy properties.

Properties of Guava:-

The regular intake of food from the guava get rid of constipation.

Leave a while in the water-cut guava. Drink this water filter. It controls diabetes.

Joints (nodes) by applying the guava grinding relief in arthritis.

Guava leaves are chewed off tooth. The decoction of the leaves mixed with a small amount of butter stops bleeding from dental rinse.

Cough-cold salt roasted guava benefits of eating together.

Find the coating head headache before sunrise, instant relief.

Bile or limbs, have been burning since then food, drink it regularly.

The root decoction of guava puree early injury to wash wounds.

Benefit of eating Sapota in daily life

To help keep our bodies healthy fruit .Fruit must therefore be used in the daily diet.Let us help in getting rid of many diseases Fruit.Fruit consumption must .Is a fruit of fruits naseberry .Whose name is salivating hear.The food is very tasty round sapota. That helps us in getting rid of many diseases.In sapota such as vitamins, antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus is found in abundance.To help us get rid of many diseases and sapota is eating advantages.


1 . Sapota can eat, get rid of stress and stress-like illness being calm mind.

2. Sapota is beneficial to our skin and the glow of the skin retain its intake and helps to reduce wrinkles.

3 . Sapota also helps in weight loss and helps to maintain the body elation.

4 . Sapota can eat cures diseases like constipation and digestion is fine.

5 . Sapota in our body that helps to overcome the lack of blood.

6 . Sapota is beneficial to our eyes, to get rid of diseases of the eye from its use.

7 . Sapota is made even stronger by eating the bones of our body.

8 . Sapota prepared seed helps to overcome the problems of oily hair.

9 . Also helps to increase the power of the intestines.

10 . Sapota be consumed after a meal makes a profit, it must.

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