Posted by : SEO Freelancer in India Wednesday 4 February 2015

Eat apples as medicine and disease KICK
Eat apples as medicine and disease KICK
Fruits of nature are a unique offering .Fruit is an important place in our lives.This will help to enhance our capabilities.Apple is a fruit of the same fruit.Has loads of apples.There is a saying in English that when you eat an apple a day does not need to call the doctor.

Apple vitamins A, B and C are abundant.Apple is powerful of power.It heart, brain, liver and stomach emphasizes.After sick people and disease doctor to recommend Eating more of apples.

Because the person does not eat an apple a day apple juice constipation is faster digestion.

Apple eating crummy piece of food stuck in the teeth are Pass. The teeth are strong.Apple is also extremely beneficial in arthritis .Fever, appendicitis, headache, weakness, physical and mental, for patients with respiratory disease is a perfect fruit. Apple Nimr type is used as medicine.

A few days before the dinner cerebrasthenia chew-chew eat apples.

Come on more vomiting apple juice mixed with a little salt Feed patient. It stops vomiting.

Bedtime routine eat an apple 10-15 days in succession. Will eliminate intestinal worms. Keep in mind that not drink water after eating apples.

Apple took an empty stomach in the morning, eat a little salt. Such routine use until a few days to get rid of chronic headaches.

Fever is a good time to eat apples.

If you are bothered by being less hungry raw-sour apple juice mixed with sugar in it out drinking one or two cups in the morning hungry for 7-8 days seems to be well.

When dry cough drink apple juice mixed with a little sugar.Apple juice is beneficial in bleeding piles. The juice in the blood stops to put on warts and moles are slowly crumbling.

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