Posted by : SEO Freelancer in India Tuesday 10 February 2015

Top Benifit of Cucumber juice

The cucumber salad used as a major part of Indian cuisine.Cucumber is grown in most states of India.Staivs Kukumis is the botanical name of cucumber.It is believed that cucumber is easily digestible and also increases the digestibility.In many herbal formulations employ tribal cucumber. Let us now know about cucumber involving traditional herbal formulations.

Benefit of cucumbers

1 . Cucumber juice over the head massage is the problem of dandruff.Patalkot in small amounts in the tribal cucumber juice mixed with tomato juice and apply on the hair. He believes that doing so will soon be over Russian.

2 . In cucumber protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins and other minerals are found in abundance. Every morning to eat at least two raw cucumber gives the body enough energy and freshness throughout the day continues.

3 . To increase the brightness of the face clean and cucumber juice (2 tablespoons) with a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric powder, paste together to make good on the face and neck, making him a face wash after 20 minutes bloom arises.

4 . Cucumber juice drink per day face acne, nail, stains and spots have gradually disappeared. Drinking cucumber juice every morning on an empty stomach increases the beauty of the face.

5 . Tribal believe that cucumbers premature graying and loss of hair from the juice drink at frequent stops. Cucumber juice on the hair before applying the bath to keep hair healthy. Cucumber juice strengthens hair roots and use it stops hair loss.

6 . According to Dong-gu tribal cucumber, spinach and carrot juice ready to drink the same amount of hair grow faster.

7 . The hangover the next day after drinking alcohol because people often complain of headaches. If slept at night before bed eating cucumber is not the problem, because the vitamin B in cucumbers, sugar and electrolytes occur, they tend to reduce the hangover.

8 . Daily cucumber juice (1 glass) to drink in the morning on an empty stomach or Hypertension to reduce high blood pressure, it is helpful to an extent.

9 . Fever, fatigue of the long journey back to overcome weakness or cucumber juice is considered very beneficial.

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