Posted by : SEO Freelancer in India Thursday 5 February 2015

Ayurvedic treatment for Joint pain and Sinus

There are several ways in which the incurable diseases such as Ayurveda, diabetes, epilepsy, sinus and asthma etc.


Then overnight in a glass of water to boil for 15 common cards and leave them like that.In the morning on an empty stomach drink this water filter.Moreover day taking a small sip juice of bitter gourd.5-7 fresh neem leaves early evening eat chewing.Diabetes is also prop daily garlic.


Asthma patients should drink a glass of honey in warm water.Ginger juice with honey is taking advantage.Take a teaspoon of triphala powder relieves with lemonade.Some powders are useful in this disease, such as Ayurveda Muktadi powder, Styadi powder, Sitopladi powder and powder etc. Talishadi. Patient with dust, smoke and should avoid allergen particles.

Joint pain

Drink enough water through the excess uric acid urine passes out of the body.Benefits of aloe vera juice daily morning.250 grams of mustard oil mixed pound champacol fill in a vial. After placing it in the sun for a few days at the site of pain massage oil.


Dust, smoke and avoid allergies, avoid smoking, daily morning and evening with warm water Lakshmi Vilas juice (Nardi), the two tablets at night before going to sleep, eat and Sdbindu oil than putting two drops in the nose would benefit.Basil, black pepper and salt to relieve sinus taking tea.
Lkshnanusar memory of the doctor's advice on the problem of epilepsy Sea juice, Saraswat powder, Mahapashacik melted butter, Ashwgandharisht Eat.

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  2. If you want the best Joint Pain Ayurvedic Treatment in Ludhiana then do visit Dr. Sharda Medi Life Ayurveda Clinic. Click on our website for more details.

  3. Knee joint pain is a common problem useful information you have shared Ayurvedic treatment for knee and joint pain provide strength to the joints.


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