Posted by : SEO Freelancer in India Thursday 5 February 2015

Health benefits of Gooseberry (Amla)

You Amla often jam, pickles, jam, etc. eaten.Sour-sweet berry that everyone loves.Test with the great abundance of vitamin C is also very beneficial for health is the Amla.

1 . Eye Spotlight (आंखों की रोशनी)

If you sit or sleep less than consistent system has been weakened due to the light of your eyes -So Amla juice drink. This not only improves vision, but Rednas eyes, itching and frequent watering, also relieves the problem.The two tablespoon of amla juice mixed in a cup of water to drink every morning.

2 . Fight against damage from smoking (स्मोकिंग से होने वाले नुकसान से लड़े)

Reserch in Amla the impact on the lungs than smoking fights.Get the content of the antioxidant that prevents damage to the lungs than cigarettes.But that does not mean all of amla juice drink allowing you to smoke.Smoking is dangerous for your body, so it is reasonable to leave.

3 . If the  Sore (मुंह के छाले)

If you seem to be bothered by periodically ulcers.And once the blisters are returned after the issue of the berry juice and you can.Add ½ cup water ½ cup of amla juice and then gargle the mixture in the day. It will be fine mouth sores.

4 . Colds and sore cough (जुकाम और गले में खराश)

Common cough-cold in the winter, but Amla you can avoid the hassle.Mix 2 tablespoons honey 3 tsp turmeric powder to it and take 3-4 times in a day. The first day you'll feel the difference.

5 . Constipation (कब्ज)

Amla Prucr amount of fiber is found. If constipation is a problem if you eat raw amla. Be careful if you have instead of raw Amla Amla juice or powder so they do not impact so fast.

6 . Relife of Stress and Wakefulness (तनाव और अनिद्रा से राहत)

If you can not sleep well at night because of stress So do not worry. Amla gets freedom from stress and stress-free by eating when you sleep comfortably. It would solve the problem of insomnia.

7 . Use of Hair (बालों के लिए)

Amla is used in hair Prodekts lot. It keeps the hair roots strong and black.The warm water 2 teaspoons turmeric, yogurt and 1 tablespoon honey 2 teaspoons make a paste and find the roots of the hair. After 30 minutes wash the hair with warm water.

8 . Anti-Aging (एंटी एजिंग)

Amla reduces your age. This is the face of wrinkles and skin young. The 1 teaspoon tamarind paste mixed with 1 teaspoon turmeric powder mixture to prepare. Then put it on the face scrub. After 10 minutes, wash the face with warm water.

9 . Diabetes (डायबिटीज)

Diabetes- 2-3 tsp turmeric powder mixed in a glass of water or juice to drink everyday. It lowers blood glucose levels and prevents dangerous disease like diabetes.

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. If you are suffering from eye problem, diabetes, constipation, hair fall or any skin disease then you must try Gooseberry Juice. It has been used since ancient times to treat health ailments. Thank you for this detailed article. I loved reading it.

    Best Regards,
    Mantis Hugo


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