Posted by : SEO Freelancer in India Friday 20 February 2015

Fenugreek is perfected dusky hues, Learn some advantages
Health benefits of Fenugreek
The use of fenugreek vegetables, pickles, etc. are used.If the mix of fenugreek his Swaj slightly bitter vegetable is found in the conduct of this test increases fenugreek.Despite bitter fenugreek is very beneficial for your body.

Hair conditioner :- Fenugreek hair conditioner works.It Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight.Then grind them in the morning and find the mixture into the hair roots.If you want to put this mixture on the hair is packed plastic.After 30 minutes, wash hair thoroughly.Between domestic measures, such as yogurt and lemon to make hair shiny fenugreek is most effective.

Reduce Cholesterol :- Fenugreek seeds can help reduce cholesterol levels.The first fist eat fenugreek seeds daily.It Could you fenugreek seeds are put in the vegetable or other Disej.You can take it with water.

Make Beautiful your face :- If you do not have to worry if the color is black.Because fenugreek works of fairness Dark circles under the eyes, as well as to delete the .The fenugreek make a paste by grinding it with milk and apply on the face and dark circles.After 15 minutes, wash face. You will take a few days to clear the difference.

Control your Diabetes :- Several investigations have revealed that fenugreek is beneficial in type 2 diabetes.It lowers your blood sugar levels. 500 mg twice a day for diabetes patients are advised to take fenugreek.

Weight Lose :- If you are troubled by the growing weight of fenugreek can be beneficial for you. The fenugreek seeds overnight in water soaks the morning on an empty stomach to chew them. It makes you feel full stomach. This will help in reducing weight.

Fever :- Fenugreek is a good home remedy for relief of fever.With lemon and honey, take a teaspoon fenugreek reduces fever.It should take 3 times a day. Sore throat is too far from the fenugreek.

To fit Digestion :- Fenugreek is found plenty of vitamins A and C.It also contains calcium, iron, protein, carbohydrates is also,Problems which relieves stomach. Fenugreek is eating digestive system repair and get rid of the problem of gas.

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