Posted by : SEO Freelancer in India Tuesday 10 February 2015

Improves Brain Power with eliminating constipation beetroots

You Diet beetroot (beet) is included? Maybe you do not like it, but you will learn about its properties will definitely include it in your diet.Blood sugar, physical weakness and beetroot very beneficial in diseases like anemia. What are the benefits of beetroot and diseases today we eat it is true, they are told.

Problems stomach from beetroot fiber ends. Eating right is the day to get the toxins out.

01-Brain Power Increase

According to a University of UK, 16 per cent of beetroot juice enhances physical capacity. Due to the nitrate in beetroot oxygen reaches the body. The brain works right.

02-pregnant women beneficial

Beetroot folic acid which is right for pregnant women and Anborn baby. Also beetroot get energy from the woman during pregnancy. The folic acid in beetroot is good for baby's spinal cord.

03-for Osteoporosis

Beetroot mineral silica which serves calcium. Calcium is necessary for the body element. Calcium from bone and teeth are strong. So a glass of beetroot juice drink, not a lack of calcium in the body.

04-diabetes beneficial

People who have diabetes have a problem, they have the urge to eat sweet. So, with the will to eat sweet beetroot relieves hunger. Bohdi of beetroot sugar level is correct. Additionally, beetroot and other vegetables are low calorie and fat-free shows.


People believe that beetroot red, so is perfect for blood increases and anemia. But behind this is the fact that much iron in beetroot, which is correct Himoglutinin. Himoglutinin oxygen and nutrition to meet the body works. Iron deficiency anemia is anyway, so in this disease are advised to eat beetroot.

06-Upon exhaustion

According to a study, beetroot helps to increase energy. Being nitrate oxygen to the body in the body is the right way, which increases the body's energy level. Also, due to the substantial amount of iron in beetroot increasing physical ability.

07-cancer beneficial to avoid

Bitasaynin in beetroot is also able to fight the cancer. Those who have tumors and breast cancer, they are advised to eat beetroot. Eating beetroot helps in cancer treatment.


Nitrate in beetroot, which reduces gas in the tummy. We know it by the name of nitric oxide. Heldi and stay fit at least 500 grams of diet that includes beetroot.

09-Dirty reduce cholesterol

Dissolved in beetroot fiber, Flyleaves and is Bitasaynin. This is because of Bitasaynin beetroot red. This is an anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidant is due to lower LDL cholesterol, which protects against heart diseases and stroke.

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